Advertise in the ART Guide!

If you are a small, local business, the AABA wants you in the ART Guide!

Yes! We offer advertising for other local small businesses! See below for rates, sample ads, and a view of last year's Guide!

The AABA recognizes the value the importance of other small, local, like-minded businesses for the cultural and economic vibrancy of our community, and encourages those businesses to advertise in the ART Guide with us. Support the arts and get listed as a sponsor today! We are stronger together! The Central New Mexico ART Guide is an annual high-quality color, glossy, 5" x 8.5" publication available at member galleries and other partner locations. The AABA offers advertising at an incredible price, and distribution will increase as participation does. (We distributed 5000 to locals and visitors alike in 2023!)

Galleries & artists: In addition to the guide, membership provides many other benefits. Artists & Art Businesses, please visit the Join Us! page for more information.


Community Sponsor: $500


Community Sponsor: $350


Community Sponsor: $250